indo-thin - Indonesia Thin Client Users Group

Friday, April 30, 2004

NFuse Installation

1. Create a new folder in windows explorer.
2. Copy the "citrix" folder into that new folder
3. In IIS manager, create a new website and point to the new folder as the home directory.
4. Find out the WSVC server number of the new web site by looking at the Properties of the website, on the "web site" tab, then "properties" at the bottom, at the bottom again look at the setting called "log file name" the number will be next to W3SVC# (that is the number you need for the next steps.
5. Go to CTX875451 to get a script called the Metabase fix.
6. Open the file called NfuseMetabase.vbs with notepad and find the line : [ location = "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT" & path ] change the number from /1/ to the number in step 4 and then save it.
7. Run the metabase fix at the command line with the following syntax [ cscript NFuseMetabaseFix.vbs /Citrix/NFuse17 ] pointing to the nfuse 17 folder and then [ cscript NFuseMetabaseFix.vbs /Citrix/NFuseadmin ] nfuse admin folder.
9. Edit the nfuse.conf file to make sure that the value [ URLMapping./=c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot ] is = to what ever the web site's home directory is ... to avoid icon cache error. After editing the file save and restart the web services.

Frank Pulliza

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Simple but most important in Citrix

* If you want to know the port number of Citrix XML Service that currently use, just open Registry Editor and look on key TcpPort on HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CtxHttp, and then if you need to change the port number for Citrix XML Services, you can use ctxxmlss.exe

* When you have a problem with Citrix NFuse/Web Interface, you may to use to inspect a web server running Microsoft IIS and report on its status as an Web Interface web server, a Citrix Secure Gateway Secure Ticket Authority (STA), Citrix XML Services and more. Free Citrix Web Server Debugging & Analysis Tool from Citrix Technical Support, you can download from here

* I want to remove default wallpaper from manufacture (etc. DELL, COMPAQ) while logon process, can i?, sure! run regedit and remove value on wallpaper key on folder HKUSER\.Default\Control Panel\Desktop

* What the file that i need to modify to set some default value on logon form, for example if i want to set default domain?. Ok, you only need to edit CHTMLLogin.vbs from C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\MetaFrameXP\site\include \serverscripts, and search using keyword "domain", after you find the section, then you only need to add " value='DomainName'" to domain input text.

* Registry Tweaks.
1. Disable/Enable Smooth Window scrolling, edit the registry on [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop], and add or edit value of key SmoothScroll (REG_DWORD) with 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
2. Display the contents of moving Windows, on [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]add/edit key DragFullWindows (REG_SZ) with 1 to enable, or 0 to disable.
3. Change the Transition Effect for Menus and Tooltips, on [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]add/edit key UserPreferencesMask (REG_BINARY) on second bit with 28 to scroll effect, or 3e for fade effect.
4. Change the Menu Show Delay, on [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]add/edit key MenuShowDelay (REG_SZ) with value between 0-999 (value in miliseconds).
5. Control the Windows Animation Function, on [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics] add/edit key MinAnimate (REG_SZ) with 1 to enable or 0 to disable.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Methodology in a Box

For those looking to download Methodology in a Box, or Project Compatibility for print Management, Jim Kenzig's has posted bothof the files on the CitrixSE section of for download until Doug's site is back up. here are the links;

MIAB 3.0

Project Compatibility

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Download Citrix MetaFrame XP FR 3

If you need to cd installation for Citrix MetaFrame XP Feature Release 3, you can get it from:
- Citrix MetaFrame XP FR3 for Windows 2000
- Citrix MetaFrame XP FR3 for Windows 2003
- Another tools, utilities and documentations you can find out at Citrix FTP Server